😎 Hari's home on the Internet

Hey I’m Hari

Picture of me in a jazzy blue shirt

This site is a collection of musings, ideas and things I’m working on.

If you’d like to know more about me, check out my about me post.

What’s on here


A space of thoughts. These aren’t blogs about me and my life, more informal posts on topics I’m playing with. These are all cross-posted on Substack for functionality like commenting, subscriptions and discussion - you can subscribe there to keep up-to-date with the latest things I share!


A collection of things I’m working, or have worked, on.


Could be apps, stories, unfinished thoughts.

If you see something you like here, take it! All these ideas are open under the WTFPL licence.

Though obviously if you genuinely do like something and take it on I’d love to hear from you ✨

Get in touch

Email | Twitter/X | LinkedIn | Substack